Tanjungpinang – A total of 25 students from the Student Community Service- Community Empowerment Learning (KKN-PPM) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), carried out the Declaration of Penyengat Island Residents with the theme “Penyengat Kampung Kite, Penyengat Warisan Kite”, at Penyengat Island village hall, Saturday (14 / 4).
In addition, the activity was filled with cultural stage performances, such as creative music, poetry reading, reading of gurindam XII, dendang anak, and zapin dance. There is also a culinary bazaar with a traditional menu.
The Chairperson of the Activity, Leonardo Wigen, explained that this activity was one of the programs by KKN-PPM student, in order to raise the public awareness to be aware of tourism and aware of inheritance. Therefore, we initiate the activities of the Penyengat Island citizens declaration, cultural and culinary stage.
According to him, Penyengat Island has many interesting tourism potentials, such as the heritage sites of the Malay Kingdom’s history, culture, local wisdom, and culinary. With the wealth of potential that exists, he hopes that the local people of Penyengat Island are ready to support and participate in the development of tourism while preserving the cultural heritage that has been owned.
Meanwhile, one of the students of UGM KKN-PPM Program, Syiva Fauzia Lestari admitted that she was quite overwhelmed, because the event was welcomed enthusiastically by local people, even though in heavy rain conditions, people were still watching the event.
“Alhamdulillah, the public response it positively, we were overwhelmed by the people who continued to arrive,” said her.
The student of the Faculty of Geography UGM said, in addition to raising tourism potential in Penyengat Island, this activity is also expected to increase tourist visits to Penyengat Island. “Hopefully this activity can provide benefits and contributions to the prosperity of the local people in Penyengat Island”, Syifa concluded.
UGM KKN-PPM activities are held for two months, starting from 1 March to 27 April 2018. They carry out KKN together in two locations, Penyengat Island and Bugis Village.
(Source: https://prioritas.co.id/2018/04/16/mahasiswa-kkn-ugm-angkat-potensi-wisata-pulau-penyengat/; (Diskominfo/red); Author Prioritas.co.id – 16/04/2018; translator: M. Brlian P.)