SUNGAILIAT, BABELREVIEW – A total of 90 students from Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) from various study programs conducted KKN-PPM in Bangka Regency. The Regent of Bangka Tarmizi H Saat accepted the presence of students in the official residence of the Bangka Regent, Monday night (06/25/2018).
The evening was also handed over to UGM students by the Representative of the Directorate of Community Service UGM Adriana.
KKN-PPM UGM is a form of synergy between the Bangka Regional Government and various elements of development, from the community, community organizations, community leaders, government, private sector and universities with the quadruple helix concept, namely government, businessmen, communities and universities, with cooperation both in the field of research, training and community service.
Bangka Regent Tarmizi Saat said, the implementation of the UGM KKN-PPM this time was different. Because the Bangka Regency government wants the UGM KKN-PPM work program to be harmonized with the vision, mission and regional program.
In order to smooth the implementation of KKN-PPM UGM, Tarmizi hopes that all heads of OPD and sub-district heads can actively participate in helping and providing a sense of comfort and security to all students participating in the UGM KKN-PPM. Especially Chief of Mendo Barat District, Chief of Merawang District and Sub-District Chief Sungailiat, to monitor and facilitate the implementation of Community Service Program.
“I hope this implementation of KKN – PPM UGM in 2018 can provide good and sustainable benefits for the village and urban village communities,” said Tarmizi.
That way, the implementation of this KKN can run optimally, useful and memorable for the community and students, both through coordination with the surrounding community and village and Sub-district government officials to always be directed in carrying out programs that need to be socialized directly to the community.
Representative of the Directorate of Community Service UGM KKN-PPM Adriana explained, since 1951 UGM has sent students outside Java to conduct Community Service. Then there was a change from KKN to KKN-PPM UGM which was a change from development to empowerment.
“KKN PPM activities are packaged to deal with serious problems that occur in the community that are thematic through a multi-disciplinary approach consisting of 4 clusters in collaboration with the community,” Adriana said.
The implementation of Community Service Program began June 23-10 August 2018 with locations and themes tailored to the potential of each KKN location, namely community empowerment to meet the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) to be located with the location of the Jelitik Village.
In Kemuja Village through the theme of community empowerment through cultivation of plantation crops, horticulture and home industries while improving community welfare through optimizing the results of rice fields and consumption of mushroom cultivation was placed in the Village of Kimak, Merawang District. (BBR)
Author: Irwan
Editor: Kasmir
Source: Babelreview
(Source: https://babelreview.co.id/90-mahasiswa-ugm-melaksanakan-kkn-di-kabupaten-bangka; translator: Harun Ardiansyah)