Students were reading books in Batang Hari Village, Tulang Bawang, Lampung. Photo by Nur Izzatul Ulum
Reading is very important, not only for children, but also for adults. Access to reading materials is an important foundation before reading habits are applied to the community.
In Friday (03/08/2018) KKN-PPM UGM students LA-002 officially annouced the Batang Hari Reading Park which was attended by 53 students from SDN 01 Satap Batang Hari. The decision to make the reading park was based on the findings of 29 KKN-PPM UGM students assigned to serve in Batang Hari Village, Rawa Pitu Sub-District, Tulang Bawang Regency, Lampung.
They conducted a mapping of the problem and found that it was difficult to access searching for reading and reference material. Based on these findings, KKN-PPM UGM students decided to make a reading park.
This reading park was made inside the Posyandu building located next to the Batang Hari Village Hall. Reasons for choosing a posyandu building location because it is more strategic and easier to reach by the community. This Hall is also the only place where Wi-Fi Nusantara can be accessed. The existence of the Reading Park was also intended as a children’s playground when they waited for their mother who was participating in the village hall.
Enthusiasm was felt when the event took place. At the official announcement event, each child took a book and read it in every corner of the Posyandu. This quiet place was suddenly filled with children who read books. The children’s reading room feels full when students take books, the middle room is an adult reading room, and the posyandu terrace is also full of students.
Smiles and laughter were heard from every corner of the room. Not a few who read the book aloud so that the atmosphere became crowded. Some children also fight over books and toys to add to the boisterous atmosphere of the reading garden.
Donation from Kagama
Reading Park in Batang Hari Village was full of students from SDN 01 One-stop Batang Hari. Photo by Nur Izzatul Ulum
This reading park consists of two parts with different rooms. A special room for books and educational games for children and another room for books for adults. The books available include books on agriculture, animal husbandry, psychology, science, law, economics, social, religion, health, magazines and entertainment.
These books are books that already exist in smart house. Besides that, KAGAMA or the Gadjah Mada Alumni Family in Lampung also participated. They donated books and funds to make the reading park.
In addition to books, for children there are also several educational games that are provided, among others, puzzles, congklak, chess, ball, lego and so on. An educational game is intended so that children who are not bored in reading parks and reading gardens will be a fun place for children to learn and play.
There is a Smart House
Currently there are actually available smart house buildings provided by the Tulang Bawang Regency Government that come from the assistance of the Ministry of Transmigration and Disadvantaged Villages. This building has adequate facilities.
There were two workspaces, two bathrooms, one stage hallway, one hall, two large bookshelves and several tables and chairs for children. Unfortunately when reviewed, the building did not get enough maintenance and there seemed to be no attempt to activate the place.
There are Nine Sets of Books from Central Government’s Donation in 2011 for Every Village in Rawa Pitu Sub-district. However, Those Books were Still in the Boxes.
In addition there were also nine sets of aid books from the center in 2011 for each village in the Rawa Pitu District. However, the books are still in the box.
The new reading park will be open to the public every day for residents who want to add insight. In addition to the children’s learning container, this place can also be used as a more comfortable waiting room for children, mothers and seniors while waiting for the queue of examinations at the posyandu.
The management of the reading park will later be handed over to the village operators so that the reading park becomes a more useful place for a longer period of time.
(Author: Nur Izzatul Ulum; Source:; translator: Harun Ardiansyah)