“Tabik pun!” That’s the opening word that is commonly spoken by Lampung people when holding official meetings. Lampung is a fairly developed province in western Indonesia which is famous for its Way Kambas National Park. Located about 3 hours from Way Kambas National Park, there are settlements where the majority of the residents are farmers. This settlement is Rawa Pitu, one of the Districts which is a transmigration area in Lampung.
The absence of health workers in the field of dental and oral health is a problem that must be faced by the community of Rawa Pitu Subdistrict, Tulang Bawang Regency, Lampung Province. Therefore the community must travel far enough to get dental and oral care.
The absence of health workers in the field of dental and oral health, especially dentists, in Rawa Pitu has an impact on the low level of knowledge and awareness of the public about dental and oral health. This is evidenced by the number of people who suffer from pulpitis and cavities according to the data from the Rawa Pitu Health Center.
Departing from these conditions, dentistry students from UGM held socializations on dental and oral health for the Rawa Pitu community. Counseling was delivered in the form of knowledge about the general condition of the oral cavity, steps to brush teeth properly and correctly, and oral cavity diseases that need attention. In addition to conducting counseling, students also provide opportunities for residents to consult on dental and oral problems suffered.
This counseling is held at every POSYANDU Batang Hari Village from July 1 to 11 2018. Counseling is given relating to the condition of the teeth and mouth in infants under five, pregnant women, and the elderly. These three groups have different oral cycles compared to the average person so they need special attention.
Dental and oral health counseling was also given in Prolanis monthly routine on Thursday, August 2, 2018 which was attended by elderly people suffering from hypertension and diabetes mellitus as well as Rawa Pitu. This activity begins with an examination of blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and body weight of the elderly. After that, continued with counseling on dental and oral health in patients with hypertension and sweetness. This activity was ended with joint elderly exercise and drug distribution
Not only POSYANDU and Prolanis, counseling was also held in elementary schools. On Tuesday, July 17 2018 at SD Negeri 1 Sumber Agung and Friday, August 3, 2018 at SD Negeri 1 Atap Batang Hari. Counseling conducted in the Elementary School was covered with educational songs so that students were interested in participating in the counseling series. In this activity the students were invited to practice brushing teeth together in the school field. Not to forget, in this activity a free dental check-up was conducted and free milk distribution for students who dared to examine their teeth.
This counseling is the initial stage in increasing the knowledge and awareness of the Rawa Pitu community on the importance of maintaining dental and oral health. The hope is that citizens can make efforts to prevent dental and oral diseases so that they can avoid severe dental and oral diseases.
(Source: https://muda.kompas.id/2018/08/05/mahasiswa-ugm-kampanyekan-kesehatan-gigi-untuk-warga-desa/; translator: Harun Ardiansyah)